
Recognising entrepreneurial skills


Recognising entrepreneurial skills



Are you organising awesome activities for increadible people? And do you want to make your participants in your activities aware about their Entrepreneurial skills? Then this activity is for you!

Entrepreneurial people
Entrepreneurial people are very important for society, businessfield, formal education, and much more other fields. Why? Because they show initiative, have the necessary courage, make decisions, and show responsibility.
Entrepreneurial types see opportunities and don't like to keep things the way they used to be when that doesn't work.
  • They draw their own plan and act accordingly.
  • Are well informed about relevant developments in the environment and uses this knowledge effectively.
  • Has an eye for the effects of (own) decision-making.
  • Wants to continuously get the best out of him/herself and their projects and initiatives.
  • Can gain acceptance or agreement from others for his own point of view through argumentation, personal ascendancy and tact.
  • Identifies and investigates the wishes and needs of others and acts accordingly
  • Views situations from different angles and thinks outside the box.
  • Knows how to combine things, and makes connections
  • Consults others/experts and knows how to involve them through networking

Entrepreneurial skills
How can you recognise and strengthen these treats and skills in people? But even more important, how can your target audience itself recognise these skills and take advantage of them?

The European Commission has developed the competence framework EntreComp to support recognising entrepreneurial skills.

Step 1: explore the Entrecomp framework
Step 2: define in your activity where people are showing entrepreneurial skills that are not yet recognised. You can use the Open Badges in this activity to be inspired about behaviour that people show within a specific skill. The activities can be in e.g. in voluntering, during work, in free time activities, and during formal education.
Step 3: Invite people to the specific Open Badges (micro-credentials) in this activity to experience and recognise their own entrepreneurial skills.
People can do this activity at your own pace, when you want and feel free to choose which ones you want to do. At this moment nothing is necessary, everything is allowed. Let them explore, experiment and learn how to use them in a better way in the follow up activities that you will organise.
Step 4: When you want to be assessor of the evidence that people will upload, contact Curacao City of Learning via haveyourbreakthrough@gmail.com

A professional will review the submitted evidence for your tasks and provide you with feedback if necessary, giving you an opportunity to improve your task. And of course when the task is successfully completed you will be awarded the relevant badge.

Good luck and have fun!

Erhalte einen Badge für diese Aktivität

Ethisch en duurzaam denken Erhalte diesen Badge

Badge InformationenBefürwortungen
The holder of this badge has worked on the following:

  • I can ensure that my ethical and sustainability goals are met.
  • I have shown responsibility in making decisions and in working with others. I can use knowledge and deal with more complex challenges.

These competences are part of the EntreComp competence model.
Du musst alle Aufgaben beenden, um den Badge zu erhalten
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Describe how your ethical and sustainable goals were achieved in a project. Tip: Assess the consequences and impact of ideas, opportunities and actions.
Aufgabe Nr. 2
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
State how you have shown responsibility when making decisions and when working with others.


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Ausführende Organisation

Curacao Island of Learning
Badgecraft betreibt diese Plattform und entwickelt sie zusammen mit Organisationen aus dem Bildungsbereich. Das EU Programm ERASMUS+ hat eine Ko-Finanzierung für die Entwicklung der ersten Version dieser Plattform gewährt. Kontakt support@badgecraft.eu.
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Ko-Finanziert durch das Erasmus+ Programm der Europäischen Union