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Skills for the 21st century

Friday, September 1, 2023 10:39 - Dec 20, 10:39
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52 Schottegatweg West, Willemstad, Curaçao

Skills for the 21st century

Friday, September 1, 2023 10:39 - Dec 20, 10:39
52 Schottegatweg West, Willemstad, Curaçao


Our courses gaining STEM-skills through CoderZ: The standard-tuned CoderZ curriculum is designed for students of different ages and levels of experience are involved. They learn math, coding, engineering, and physics, along with any additional competitions that make them challenging to the world war and the courage to be developed. You'll learn the skills to be of inestimable value, which can translate to all areas of life. These include problem-solving, analytical, reasoning, and collaboration – all of which you can use in your daily life, you'll be using. You will have the chance to really strengthen it by means of joint research projects, and praktijkscenario, and it is universiteitsprojecten, school activities, or work experience.

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Our courses gaining STEM-skills through CoderZ: The standard-tuned CoderZ curriculum is designed for students of different ages and levels of experience are involved. They learn math, coding, engineering, and physics, along with any additional competitions that make them challenging to the world war and the courage to be developed. You'll learn the skills to be of inestimable value, which can translate to all areas of life. These include problem-solving, analytical, reasoning, and collaboration – all of which you can use in your daily life, you'll be using. You will have the chance to really strengthen it by means of joint research projects, and praktijkscenario, and it is universiteitsprojecten, school activities, or work experience.
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52 Schottegatweg West, Willemstad, Curaçao


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